Date Table
Within the Jet Data Manager a user can change the default date settings to reflect the needs of the organization.
To learn about access and change the default date settings, watch Changing the Default Date Settings.
To edit an existing date table right-click the table and click Edit Date Table and follow the steps below:
Optionally, to add a new Date table, right-click the Tables node of the data warehouse or staging database and click Add Date Table . The Add Date Table window opens.
Enter a name for the table.
Select a date range by entering a Start date and an End date. Instead of entering an End date, you can enter a number of days to add to the current date in Days ahead. This way, your date table will effectively never end.
Under the Date display section, select the Format you wish to use for dates. The following options are available:
January 31, 2015 would be displayed in each example below:
- YYYY-MM-DD (2015-01-31)
- DD-MM-YYYY (31-01-2015)
- MM-DD-YYYY (01-31-2015)
Select which Separator to use in the format you chose. The following options are available:
- - (dash) (2015-01-31)
- / (slash) (2015/01/31)
- (dot) (2015.01.31)
Under Week numbering , select the day that represents the first day of the week. The following options are available:
- Sunday
- Monday
Define the First week of the year. The following options are available:
- First 4-day week (following the ISO 8601 standard, common in Europe)
- Starts on Jan 1 (common in North America)
- First full week
Under Fiscal year, click Staggered to use a staggered fiscal year and click the first month of the staggered fiscal year in the First month list.
Optionally, click Add under Custom periods if you wish to add a custom period. In the custom period window that opens, you can type a Name for the custom period and Name, Start date and End date for the included periods. You can also import and export custom periods by clicking Import and Export respectively.
Optionally, click Custom names if you wish to change the names used for days, quarters and months. In the Date Table Custom Names window that opens, you can type the names you wish to use. The default values are derived from the regional settings.