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Direct Read between Data Warehouse and Staging Databases

Jet Analytics can use an Azure SQL Database for the repository, data warehouse, and staging databases and includes a Direct Read Option for transfers to cut Jet Analytics out of the loop.

(Previous versions of Jet Analytics supported two ways of transferring data: with or through SSIS.  With either, the Jet Data Manger needed to act as a middle man between the source and destination. This is usually not a problem with on-premise servers but it can be an issue when you move to the cloud)

When you enable Direct Read , Jet Analytics will generate T-SQL code that will move data directly from the staging database to the data warehouse.  For the feature to work, some prerequisites must be met:

  • Azure SQL: Use option Matching Server and Database
  • SQL Server installation: Either option

Note: When using Matching Server and Database, schemas should generally be set up for stage/data warehouse tables. For more information about schemas, see Database Schemas.

The direct read feature can be enabled on the data warehouse level in the Edit Data Warehouse menu:



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