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Jet Analytics CDATA Connector Types

The article refers to Jet Analytics version 2019 and higher.


The Jet Data Manager can connect to a wide variety of data sources through CDATA connectors. For an overview and comprehensive list, see ADO.NET Data Providers.

Data Providers

More in-depth information is available for many of the supported connector types (see the Overview information for those connectors that do not have detailed documentation).

Access DynamicsCRM GoogleDrive OpenExchangeRates SFEinsteinAnalytics
ActCRM DynamicsGP GoogleSearch Oracle SFMarketingCloud
ActiveDirectory DynamicsNAV GoogleSheets OracleSalesCloud SharePoint
AmazonAthena DynamoDB Highrise PayPal Shopify
ApacheHBase Ebay Hive PostgreSQL Slack
AuthorizeNet Elasticsearch HPCC Quandl SlicingDice
Azure Eloqua HubSpot QuickBooks Smartsheet
AzureDataManagement Email Intacct QuickBooksOnline SparkSQL
AzureTables Etrade JIRA QuickBooksPOS Splunk
Basecamp ExactOnline JSON Reckon Square
Bing Excel Kintone Redis Stripe
BingAds ExcelOnline LDAP Redshift SugarCRM
Box ExcelServices LinkedIn REST SuiteCRM
Cassandra Exchange Magento RSS SurveyMonkey
Cloudant Facebook MailChimp Sage50UK Twilio
CosmosDB FreshBooks Marketo Salesforce Twitter
Couchbase FTP MongoDB SalesforceChatter xBase
CSV Gmail MSProject SAP Xero
D365FinOp GoogleAdWords MySQL SAPBusinessOne XML
D365Sales GoogleBigQuery NetSuite SAPERP YouTube
DoubleClickCM GoogleCalendar OData SAPHybrisC4C YouTubeAnalytics
DoubleClickFP GoogleContacts Office365 SendGrid Zendesk
Dynamics365 GoogleDirectory OFX ServiceNow ZohoCRM

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