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The country code in the license file does not correspond to the country code (XX) in the STX file

The information in this article applies to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009R2 and earlier.


Dynamics NAV's C/Front utility (which handles the vast majority of communications between older versions of Dynamics NAV and the Jet Excel Add-In) needs to confirm its licensing and regional settings before it can operate.

C/Front first checks the system's Regional Settings (as shown in Control Panel | Region and Language) and uses that information to determine which sub-folder under the Dynamics NAV Client folder to look in to find the FIN.STX file.

C/Front then checks the CountryCode in that FIN.STX file and verifies it against the Country Code in the Dynamics NAV license file.

The following illustration shows the information that is examined:

If the country code found in the STX file does not match the country code listed in the Dynamics NAV license file, an error is reported.


The most likely issues are:

  1. the system's regional settings are configured for something other than what is listed in the Dynamics NAV license or
  2. there is a FIN.STX file in the corresponding language folder that is for a different language (e.g., a Canada [ENC] STX file placed in the ENU folder)

To resolve this, ensure that the system settings match the country code listed in the Dynamics NAV license file (that resides in the Dynamics NAV Client folder) and that the correct STX file is located in the language folder that corresponds to that system setting.

Folder Language Folder Language Folder Language
BGR Bulgarian ESP Spanish LTH Lithuanian
CPL Commerce Portal Language ESS Spanish (Argentine) LVI Latvian
CSY Czech ETI Estonian MSL Malaysian
DAN Danish FIN Finnish NLB Dutch (Belgian)
DEA German (Asturian) FRA French NLD Dutch
DES German (Swiss) FRB French (Belgian) NON Norwegian (Nynorsk)
DEU German FRC French (Canadian) NOR Norwegian
ELL Greek FRS French (Swiss) PLK Polish
ENA English (Australian) HRV Coration PTG Portuguese
ENC English (Canadian) HUN Hunarian ROM Romanian
ENG English (United Kingdom) IND Indonesian RUS Russian
ENI English (Ireland) ISL Icelandic SKY Slovak
ENP English (Philippines) ITA Italian SLV Slovene
ENU English ITS Italian (Swiss) SVE Swedish
ENZ English (New Zealand) JPN Japanese THA Thai
ESM Spanish (Mexico) KOR Korean TRK Turkish

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