NL Function Replicators
A Replicator is a special type of NL function that copies a region of the worksheet and replicates it for each value that is retrieved from the data source. Everything in the region is replicated, including formatting and other functions.
Row Replicators
A Row Replicator will create a list down rows and is created using the NL( Rows) function. The default region of a Row Replicator is one row. The region can be expanded to include multiple rows by specifying the row count in the What argument of the NL function. For instance, "Rows=2" specifies that both the current row, and the row below it, will be included in the region to be replicated.
Column Replicators
A Column Replicator will create a list across columns and is created using the NL( Columns ) function. The default region of a Column Replicator is one column. The region can be expanded to include multiple columns by specifying the column count in the What argument of the NL function. For instance, "Columns=2" specifies that both the current column, and the column to the right, will be included in the region to be replicated.
Sheet Replicators
A Sheet Replicator will create and insert a copy of the worksheet for each value in the result set, and is created using the NL( Sheets ) function. The region of a Sheet Replicator is always one worksheet. The name of each worksheet will correspond to the value returned, though some cleansing may occur to make it a valid Excel sheet name.
Replicator Expansion
Upon entering Report Mode, all Replicators in the workbook will be expanded. Sheet Replicators are expanded first, followed by Column then Row Replicators. Reverting back to Design Mode will remove all automatically inserted rows, columns, or sheets.
A Replicator will not be expanded unless it is the only function in the cell. Thus you cannot embed a replicator inside of an Excel IF() function.